Me and My Father

Father, I miss you... in time like this you were always there to help me, but you are in heaven now. I'm in Australia, Father, continuing my study, just like what you wanted me to do. I get a scholarship, just like what you hoped me to get. I get this scholarship because I work at a targeted office as a civil servant, exactly like what you planned for me to be. I did everything as you taught me to. Every time when I started a new semester, you were there to help me plan my study. You even had every detail of the subjects I needed to consider, you helped me organise my lesson, and you recorded all the result. But I have to do all now by myself. Oh, I miss you a lot, dear Father. I search every thing and read all description (usually you did this for me) only by myself. No advice from you again. But I know that you are happy now seeing me from above. I'll do my best, Father, I promise.