Why I like Harry Potter So Much
First, each of the book is full of love. Yes, they are.
Mother and son
Lily Potter and Harry (love until death came to her), Petunia and Dudley (I bet you know how Petunia loves her big baby Dudley), Molly Weasley and the six of her sons (she is so a mother), Mrs. Crouch and Barty Crouch Jr (She drank the polyjuice potion and entered the Azkaban Prison to replace her son, one of the death eater and set him free), Narcissa Malfoy and Draco (when she was asked by Lord Voldemort to check if Harry was already dead, the only thing in her mind was just Draco. She didn't care about anything else, even the Dark Lord. So when she found that Harry was still breathing, she whispered to Harry's ear, asked was Draco still alive -and Harry made (something like) a nod - then she said to Voldemort that Harry was dead).
Mother and daughter
Molly Weasley and Ginny (do you remember "Not my daughter, you bitch!!"?). Molly really loves her only daughter so much.
Father and son
James Potter and Harry (the same with his wife, love until death came to him), Vernon Dursley and Dudley (He treats his son like a baby, even when Dudley already gets older), Arthur Weasley and the six of his sons (He is a hard worker, has very few time because of his duty in Ministry of Magic, but he always gives his time to his sons, listens to them talking and discuss with them. He held a wedding party for Bill and Fleur even in a very very dangerous situation), Amos Diggory and Cerdric (He was devastated by the death of Cendric. He was a proud dad and had to lose his son because of the ruthlessness of Lord Voldemort).
Father and daughter
Xenophillus Lovegood and Luna (He was crazy when the death eater took his daughter, Luna). He even called the death eater to catch Harry in his house when Harry, together with Ron and Hermione, came to ask about the symbol of deathly hallows).
The Weasleys show the best love in their family. I love how they love each other, even in eccentric ways (Fred and George always have best ways to show their love to Percy and Ron). The Dumbledores also love each other (even in a very big desire to realize his dream, Albus still wanted Ariana to came with him, while Abeforth, even in his sorrow after the death of Ariana - and he blamed Albus on it, he still worked on Albus' plan to defeat Lord Voldemort). Hagrid also loves his brother so much, even though they have diffrent father.
The love among Harry, Ron and Hermione is like a bond that ties them together. They always be together, protect each other, and laugh one another. But not only among them, the love spreads all among the students (but I think not include some of Slytherin house). Harry even willing to sacrifice himself for his friends (he went to the forbidden forest in order to be murdered by Lord Voldermort. He knew he has got to do that because he was Voldemort's accidental horcrux, and Lord Voldemort himself must kill him).
and many more
Love between Remus Lupin and Nymphadora Tonks, Neville and his grand mother, even Hagrid and his unusual pet like Nobert, Buckbeak, Fluffy and Aragog. But above all, my favorite will always be Severus Snape's love to Lily Potter. A very strong, honest and beautiful love. The love that never wear off. (Do you remember the talk between Albus Dumbledore and Severus Snape - Severus, after all of this time? - Always). He even risked his life to protect the boy who lived, Harry Potter, the son of none other than Lily Potter (love of his life) and James Potter (the enemy in his past). Snape will always be my top favorite character of Harry Potter, because of his love.
Second, the books teach me that everyone has his/her own past.
Not always beautiful, but sure we can always learn from the past. Albus Dumbledore, for example, a very wise man, powerful and bright wizard, also has bitter experiences in his past. His father was sent to Azkaban because of his unstable emotion (he cursed muggle because they bullied his daughter). He lost his mother by a curse accidentaly casted by his little sister. He had bad relationship with his brother Abeforth. He, once, had a very big desire as a young man, to conquer the world together with Gareth Grindelwald (something that we could not hardly presume from a wise figure like him, that he also, once, thirsted, blinded and crazy about power). And he blamed himself for the death of his sister, Ariana, in a duel (well, I can't actually say duel because it involved Albus, Abeforth and Gareth).
He learded from his past, that power is not everything. What means the most in this world is love.
Severus Snape also has his own past that he didn't want to talk about. He had a bitter life when he was young, rejected by his father, and he had bad experince with his school mates (James Potter and Sirius Black bullied him all the time, made him as a joke and treated him bad). His big interest in dark magic brought him in to the Dark Lord's circle of power seeking.
But love changed him. He and all of his life. His love to Lily made him change his way and aim of life, from serving the Dark Lord to protecting Harry Potter. But he could never forget how bad Harry's father treated him in the past, so while protecting him, in the same time Snape also hated Harry so much.
Third, the books teach me to put trust in the right person
Hagrid was half-giant, which means, many people doubt him. But Dumbledore trusted Hargrid with his life. When Tom Riddle slandered Hagrid until Hagrid was expelled from the school (with incriminating evidences created by Riddle), Dumbledore still trusted Hagrid, even made him as school gamekeeper. Hagrid also trusted Dumbledore with his life, and he can be trusted too.
James and Lily Potter trusted their friend Peter Pettigrew but unfortunately Peter betrayed them. Peter choose to be one of death eater because he was hungry of power. He was tempted by the power of Lord Voldemort. He cause the death of people who trusted him, and that was the life he choose. He died not long before his boss'death.
Harry and his friends trusted Griphook but then he left them in Bellatrix Lastrange's vault in Gringotts bank.
Fourth, the books show me that there are so many people living around us with their own uniqueness, preference, and way of life.
Luna Lovegood with her uniqe way of thinking, Mad-eye Moody with his extreme action, Dumbledore and the map of London on his knee, Hagrid with unusual opinion of cute pet, Fred and George with great willingness to break the rule, Hermione with her outstanding intellect, Ron with his wit character, brave but in a comic way, Mr. Weasley and his big interest in everything about muggle, Lupin the werewolf, Tonks with her colorful hair (it can change according to her mood), Kreatcher the fanatic house-elf, and everyone else. They live together in the same world, they can accept and love each other.
1. Harry Potter and The Sorcerer's Stone
2. Harry Potter and The Chamber of Secret
3. Harry Potter and The Prisoner of Azkaban
4. Harry Potter and The Goblet of Fire
5. Harry Potter and The Order of Phoenix
6. Harry Potter and The Half-Blood Prince
7. Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows
8. Pictures: Harry Potter Wiki
Mother and son

Molly Weasley and Ginny (do you remember "Not my daughter, you bitch!!"?). Molly really loves her only daughter so much.
Father and son

Xenophillus Lovegood and Luna (He was crazy when the death eater took his daughter, Luna). He even called the death eater to catch Harry in his house when Harry, together with Ron and Hermione, came to ask about the symbol of deathly hallows).

The love among Harry, Ron and Hermione is like a bond that ties them together. They always be together, protect each other, and laugh one another. But not only among them, the love spreads all among the students (but I think not include some of Slytherin house). Harry even willing to sacrifice himself for his friends (he went to the forbidden forest in order to be murdered by Lord Voldermort. He knew he has got to do that because he was Voldemort's accidental horcrux, and Lord Voldemort himself must kill him).
and many more
Second, the books teach me that everyone has his/her own past.
He learded from his past, that power is not everything. What means the most in this world is love.

But love changed him. He and all of his life. His love to Lily made him change his way and aim of life, from serving the Dark Lord to protecting Harry Potter. But he could never forget how bad Harry's father treated him in the past, so while protecting him, in the same time Snape also hated Harry so much.

Hagrid was half-giant, which means, many people doubt him. But Dumbledore trusted Hargrid with his life. When Tom Riddle slandered Hagrid until Hagrid was expelled from the school (with incriminating evidences created by Riddle), Dumbledore still trusted Hagrid, even made him as school gamekeeper. Hagrid also trusted Dumbledore with his life, and he can be trusted too.
James and Lily Potter trusted their friend Peter Pettigrew but unfortunately Peter betrayed them. Peter choose to be one of death eater because he was hungry of power. He was tempted by the power of Lord Voldemort. He cause the death of people who trusted him, and that was the life he choose. He died not long before his boss'death.
Harry and his friends trusted Griphook but then he left them in Bellatrix Lastrange's vault in Gringotts bank.
Luna Lovegood with her uniqe way of thinking, Mad-eye Moody with his extreme action, Dumbledore and the map of London on his knee, Hagrid with unusual opinion of cute pet, Fred and George with great willingness to break the rule, Hermione with her outstanding intellect, Ron with his wit character, brave but in a comic way, Mr. Weasley and his big interest in everything about muggle, Lupin the werewolf, Tonks with her colorful hair (it can change according to her mood), Kreatcher the fanatic house-elf, and everyone else. They live together in the same world, they can accept and love each other.
1. Harry Potter and The Sorcerer's Stone
2. Harry Potter and The Chamber of Secret
3. Harry Potter and The Prisoner of Azkaban
4. Harry Potter and The Goblet of Fire
5. Harry Potter and The Order of Phoenix
6. Harry Potter and The Half-Blood Prince
7. Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows
8. Pictures: Harry Potter Wiki
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